Tuesday, July 7, 2009

24 weeks!

How far along? 24 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: It's going up faster than what I would like it to!

Maternity clothes? Yep

Stretch marks? How am I supposed to know when I get new ones when my belly already looks like a roadmap?

Sleep: It's been pretty good even though I can't sleep on my stomach...sometimes I wake up on my stomach and I feel bad for squishing him ;)

Best moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat at my dr. appt...which I talked about in the previous post! And knowing that he weighs at least a pound in there! :)

Movement: He likes to flip around in there, that's for sure! His kicks are always all over the place!

Food cravings: I've been eating alot of watermelon lately, but it gives me horrible heartburn for some reason.

Gender: I'm assuming he's still a boy...should I just keep this answer every week? I'm pretty sure he won't morph into a girl! ;)

Labor Signs: None.

Belly button in or out? In...but it's stretching out.

What I miss: Being able to bend over comfortably. :)

What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to meeting him!!

Weekly Wisdom: If something you eat gives you horrible heartburn every time you eat it, it's probably not gonna stop...you're most likely not gonna develop an immunity from it, just because you eat it alot. ;)

Milestones: Laney and Chloe got to feel him kicking!

Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts him at just over a pound. Since he's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), he cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but his body is filling out proportionally and he'll soon start to plump up. His brain is also growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop. His lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help his air sacs inflate once he hits the outside world. His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon.

1 comment:

Janna said...

A roadmap huh? LOL

Sarah, would you be so kind as to add my blog to your blogroll? I found Monica at The Writer Chic through your blogroll and I really like her.

Take care girl!


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