For Father's Day, Mike told me he just wanted the downstairs play/media room re-organized, so that's what we did. We went through all the kids toys and put them in their neatly labeled bins. A little over a year ago, we went through all the playroom toys and sent about 5 trash bags full of toys to the Salvation Army. To keep the toys we wanted organized, I made bins with pictures on the front of the toys that went in them (Barbies, My little Pony, dolls, dress-up, etc.) Mike installed a projector, complete with surround sound down there, and he wanted it to be more of a media room than a play room, so we went through all the toys and cleaned up really well down there. He even helped...what an awesome guy! So here are the pics from our fresh new, media room.
Here's some of my sweet baby boy. Poor little sick, teething, runny nosed, watery eyed baby boy.