Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Isaac's Book

This is a book Isaac wrote at school today. He's in Kindergarten. And he loves Sonic. :) 

"This book belongs to Isaac Hall
Sonic X The Quest for the Emerald"

"I was going to the cave where the emerald was but my mom said there was a bear."

"I got to the cave where the emerald was. I saw the bear."

"He was chasing me but I was too fast for him"

"I stopped. He started to be nice."

"The bear was coming to me. He liked me. "I like you too" Sonic said. I hugged the bear but I realized the bear was a baby bear. The end."

"Find these books at sonic dot com.
1. Sonic and the lost emerald
2. Super Sonic
3. Sonic World"

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Hello, is this thing on?  I haven't been on here in a while.  That seems to be the recurring theme for the past year (or 2 or 3).  But life goes on, the world keeps turning and my kids keep getting older.  Since I've last posted, Laney had a birthday (she's now 12 and is kind of a braniac), Mike and I celebrated another anniversary (13 years later and we're still in love), Chloe had a birthday (she's now 10 and is getting all, you know, hormonal.  Heaven help us all.), and I celebrated my 33rd birthday.  I remember being young and stupid and thinking that people in their 30's were old.  If I could go back in time and punch that little witch in the face, I would.

So, we're still here.  We're busy.  Mike is in school full time, on top of working full time, on top of being a husband and father full time. We're still exploring our options with adoption.  I just saw the profile of the sweetest little girl from China with Down Syndrome and just wish she were part of our family today. yesterday. 

 That's it, I guess.  My baby will be 4 years old in a couple weeks.  I get it, they grow.  If they don't, something's wrong.  But it doesn't mean I have to like it.  Sometimes I think he looks like a tiny toddler.  That is, until I see an actual toddler, and I realize that he's not even close.  He's like a foot taller than a toddler.  Oh well, when we're at home where there are no toddlers around, he's a tiny toddler. 

So that's where we are.  School.  Work.  Eating.  Sleeping.  Pretending to have toddlers.  Now you're all caught up.

She's 12. Twelve.

New hairs

Oh, and I started working out 5 days a week.  The body pump class is my fave!!  The boxing class is not my fave.  But the shower after a boxing class is just about as amazing as that first shower after giving birth.  fyi.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Days

How we spend our hot Summer days...

Monday, May 13, 2013


The 2 big boys started t-ball and baseball this past Saturday!  It's the first time either one of them have been part of a team sport.  Needless to say, they loved it!  Elijah was a little behind the other players, since he's never played baseball before and he's doing coach pitch instead of t-ball, but he did great!  He even scored a run! :)   Watching 5 year olds play t-ball has to be one of the funniest things ever.

Picture time!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Omaha zoo and picture overload

A few weeks ago, we took a little 3 day trip to Omaha Nebraska, which is only about 3 hours away from us.  We'd heard their zoo is excellent (it is, by the way), so we found a nice hotel with a good indoor pool and off we went. 

It was cold the weekend we went, but most of their zoo's exhibits are indoors, so it wasn't bad at all.  We had a great little getaway and the kids a blast at the hotel pool!  They probably enjoyed that more than the zoo! 

The only pics I took were at the zoo, and I hadn't used my camera in a good 2 or 3 months, so you're about to see WAY too many pics from the Omaha zoo.

I honestly think God created some animals just so we could laugh at how ugly they are!

Elijah said this one was playing puppets. :)

The dude would not stop picking his nose!


These cute little lion cubs were only a few months old.

All my monkeys


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