Friday, June 18, 2010

stream of consciousness

I've never before done the whole stream of consciousness thing, so I thought I'd give it a try. I have no real point in this post, just a bit of beautiful ordinary.

A few of us have been getting over some cold/sinus bugs, and we're all pretty much back to normal now. Thank goodness! It's one thing to have 3 or 4 sick kids, but to be sick yourself and taking on the role of doctor for them is another.

It has been raining ALOT here lately, which makes it hard to take the kiddos outside, so we've been cooped up in this house longer than I like. We all get stir crazy. It would be nice to be able to take the kids to the zoo this weekend, but we've already set the whole weekend aside for some long overdue spring cleaning. Namely the girls bedroom (aka the playroom). We've done a whole overhaul of that room before, and got rid of about 3 trash bags full of toys. I'm anticipating the same thing will happen this time. I'd take before and after pictures, because the mess down there is so unbelievable, but I'm not going to. It's too embarrassing. Laney asked me the other day why they have to clean their room over Summer break...why couldn't they just clean it when they're in school. That should give you some indication of how horrendous it is down there. Oh, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.

I've been trying here and there to take some Spring/Summer pictures of the kids. I took Jett's and posted them here. When I get the time, I snatch up one or two of the older ones, slap on a clean shirt, wipe their faces, and sneak outside (when it's not raining) to try and snap a few pics. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Here's a few (or more) I've taken of them recently:
(I posted them on Facebook, so some of you may have seen these already)

With all the rain we've been getting lately, it was nice to look right out our door and see this the other night.

Jett had his 6 month check up (at 7 months, we're always behind. always.)  and he weighed in at 17lbs. 3oz. (16 %) and measured 28in. (75%).  Long and lean...just like his siblings always were.  He's growing so fast! 

Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
~Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

Sheila said...

I adore your pictures, as always. Can NOT wait to see you guys in July!! Hoping to get some great pics then. . .and other lesson from you! Miss you guys!


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