Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I am not.

This video of Penn from Penn and Teller makes me think. 

This phrase gets me... "How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible, and not tell them that?"  wow.  just wow.  He's right.  Am I doing my part for the Kingdom of God?

I've been reading a book called "I am not but I know I Am" by Louie Giglio.  It's a great book...I recommend it to everyone.  It drives home the fact that this life isn't about me.  The everlasting God, the creator of the world, the sustainer of life...HE is I Am.  That makes the rest of us I am not.  My life, my thoughts, my actions, my everything should be about Him.  I Am.  He was and is and always will be.  He is using me in His story.  Not mine.   He doesn't need us.  But what's wonderful is that He is choosing to include us in this beautiful story. HIS story. The story that has been going on long before we were here, and will continue long after we're gone.  He values us and loves us more than we could ever even possibly comprehend.  To think that the God of the universe cares about how many hairs are on our heads, and knows are deepest thoughts and understands our feelings, well, it's amazing.  Oh, how He loves us!  I try and compare it to the love I have for my husband and my babies.  I can't even wrap my brain around how much that is, and God loves us immeasurably more than that.  And He wants us to know Him, to know I Am, to know His love, and to experience it for eternity. It's incredible.  It's mind boggling.  And He commands us to go and tell others about Him and His story and His love. Why wouldn't I want everyone to know about that?  It goes back to that one question. "How much do you have to hate somebody to believe that everlasting life is possible, and not tell them that?"

1 comment:

Neha said...

A very beautiful post!


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